Sunday, October 09, 2011

2011 Streak Day 261 (Wednesday Sept 21st): This was a good day

2011 Streak Day 261 (Wednesday Sept 21st): Walk 5.7 miles, Time 1hr 50min, Weather - bright and clear , sun and fluffy clouds
One of the interesting things about trying to catch up with myself, writing my blog posts in retrospect, is that it forces me to remember my recent past. Normally I would have no reason to relive events of a couple of weeks ago but now I do. Armed with a few jotted notes from the day and a photo I close my eyes and try to picture what happened.
Some days are so featureless it is difficult to sense their shape or anything clear that happened, whilst others are bright and sharp.
This is one of those sharp days, when it felt good to be alive and I felt lucky being able to do what I was doing.
The sun was out and although it was not spectacularly warm, it felt like one of those clear autumn days that lift the spirits. I was walking along the canal, which for some reason it looked more beautiful than ever, and I had a purpose. I was walking the 6 miles to The Rex  to see a film (Sarah's Key).
I could breath deeply and think of how I was uniting two of the great attractions of the area: the canal and one of the most attractive cinema interiors in the country. If I cannot stand upright, breath deeply and appreciate those things and everything else around me, then I would indeed be a very sad case.
Some days this 2011 project is the easiest thing in the world.  

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