Sunday, May 01, 2011

2011 Streak 117/365: BMX Park

2011 Streak 117/365: Walk - 3.2miles, Time - 1hr, Weather - blowy but bright

Even if I was not following a pattern of alternate harder days with easy days today would have been easy. The day following a blood donation is not one for strenuous exercise. The three miles I walked felt plenty and I even felt a little dozy when I returned.
On my walks I regularly pass the skate park, looking out for people doing impressive stunts but rarely do I see them. Probably I pass at the wrong times. I often see kids gathering at the benches but there is always more hanging out than actual riding. Perhaps that is the way of things - mostly social with some athletic fun rather than an athletic/skills obsession.
Although it was primarily designed for skateboards they are rarely seen as now it is mainly bmx. Fashions change.
Whatever the wheels I am still impressed by the balance and bravery needed to whoosh up and down the slopes and perform tricks. Although I have cycled for most of my life,  my bike handling skills are rudimentary and my balance is iffy. I therefore have a lot of respect for what the ability of these kids.

1 comment:

Adele said...

I too spend time at these places, watching as Hector weaves in and out of the 'bigger boys' on his balance bike! We do see some good tricks at our 'stunt area' as we call it, but there is also a fair amount of hanging out goes on.

They seem like nice kids and give Hector the space he needs, though there was a big graffiti incident recently which was promptly cleaned up, I see yours has this problem too.