Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2011 Streak 130/365: The meaning of colour

2011 Streak 130/365: Run - 3.04 miles, Time - 28min 38sec, Weather - sunny and warm

This post is apropos absolutely nothing except I came across a lovely web page that shows meanings attached to colours in different cultures. I am transfixed by the way some people are consolidating disparate information and presenting it in ways that are both elegant and beautiful. 
Though I think the chart should be called 'shades of meaning'.
Except that it doesn't, and can't, deal with shades very well. For example today's photo is a bee on a blue geranium but the shade of blue is not the one I would associate with feeling low - that is much darker. Perhaps it is the shade for loyalty.
After my run I should really be looking for meaning associated with the colour red. And lo and behold in Japan it is associated with strength. I will kid myself that is true and try to be Japanese for the day. But it would be a lie, the correct meaning is heat, and that is the same in most cultures.

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