Monday, May 02, 2011

2011 Streak 120/365: Some of these roads are now famous

2011 Streak 120/365: Cycle - 21.98, Time - 1hr 38min, Weather - the skies were once more blue.

In the last post I talked of mutual support and encouragement. Today's ride had a small example.
I passed a rider at the side of the road and asked if he was OK. He was, he was just adjusting his saddle, but from that we started a conversation (inevitably about our bikes and where we rode). As he had just finished his adjustments, we set off together and chatted for a while before our routes diverged. It was a pleasant but not only did it my ride a little lift it also gave me something to think about. 
He had had a Specialized BG fitting session and was full of enthusiasm. he explained the whole session took about 90 minute session but one of the big benefits was that they had discovered his shoes needed inserts to maintain a steady platform. This had helped cure some knee problems - and immediately bells started ringing in my head. Would it help me? I am always fiddling about with the positioning of my cleats and never quite sure if my set-up is right. Perhaps I need to find out. I suppose the, however, that the main thing putting me off is the price. I am not sure if £120 is a lot to pay for some tweaks or cheap for something that will be transformative. However if it can cure knee problems I should certainly sign up.
On the ride I travelled along some roads mentioned in the Guardian's feature 'Easy riders: 10 scenic cycle routes around England' . (Aldbury to Frithsden). They were right about the pubs. I would recommend both of them, especially the Alford Arms. However I was quite impressed that a feature about easy cycling called Toms Hill (the road out of Aldbury) a gentle climb - it is actually quite hard work.
But that is a minor quibble beside the fact that these roads are now famous.

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