Monday, May 09, 2011

2011 Streak 129/365: Allotments

2011 Streak 129/365: Walk - 3.2 miles, Time - 1hr 10min, Weather - scudding clouds, coolish wind
Yesterday's bike ride was quite tiring and so an easy day was in order. 
One of the things I notice on my walks around town are allotments. I enjoy looking at them to see the seasons develop - how the crops come on, and the way people use different materials to create frames and structures. Each plot has its own character.
It is quite fascinating to watch how everybody approaches their pastimes in different ways. Obviously for allotments people will not have the same taste and therefore grow different crops but it goes deeper than that as some are more methodical, some neater, some more rough and ready.
it is the same with running. We all have our own styles and comfort levels but again there are the differences of approach, with some being quite rigid about their sessions, some living by stats whereas other follow how they feel.
It is quite obvious that some get better results (either more crops or faster times) but I would hate for everybody to do things in the same way. I rather like it that each plot has its own character and each runner show their personality in the way they run.
It is important to share an enthusiasm rather than a rigid discipline.

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