Friday, May 20, 2011

2011 Streak Day 140: On tiredness

2011 Streak Day 140/365: Walk - 5.2 miles, Time 1hr 35min, Weather - bright and sunny but with a cool edge to the wind

Yesterday I wrote nothing about my cycle ride because it was uneventful. The one thing I could have said was that it felt harder than was warranted. I don't know whether I was generally tired or it was just my muscles complaining but the result was the same: it felt like a big effort and I did not want to go any further than I did.
This has carried over to today - my legs have felt leaden and there has been no physical zip. My original plan was to go for a run but decided against it and went for a walk instead.
If tiredness is psychological it usually wears off once you are out and you feel much better for some exercise. If it is muscle weariness then a session is hard work and you return even more tired. Before you start you often do not know which is which. This is why the advice of Joe Henderson, to run for a mile to warm-up before deciding how tired you feel and what sort of session you need, is so wise.
OK I skipped the running for a mile bit but the route of my walk was only decided after I found the legs were not as bad as first thought and the canal seemed like a good idea.
I am glad I extended my route because the canal was indeed refreshing. I saw a heron on the opposite bank standing as still as a statue, whilst a canada goose, followed by her chicks swam past. Such things lift my spirits.
The whole point of the 2011 challenge is to be out every day so I can watch the changes of the seasons. That is why I have posted a number of flower or leaf pictures but the cycle of animals is also important.
Today we have signets at a lock gate.

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