Sunday, May 08, 2011

2011 Streak 128/365: One last time

2011 Streak 128/365: Cycle: 22.5 miles, Time - 2hr 35min, Weather - cold wind, scuttling clouds, sometimes overcast, sometimes patches of blue.

Time for a final riding of our Ashridge route before my friend returns to New Zealand. Just one last time. 
This ride was an important part of both our lives - a way to work out a number of frustrations we had with our respective jobs. A time when we could put everything away and concentrate on the important business of negotiating tree roots, picking the right line on a rutted track, pushing up hills and seeing how much you could let-go when going down. Off-road riding requires far more active attention than road riding and far, far more than running. When you are a bit oppressed or anxious about other things happening in you life your thinking can become cloudy. Periods of clear concentration can refresh the mind and allow you to carry on.
I don't think the power of mentally engaging, physical exercise can be overestimated. It can have a huge effect.
A small example of how it also has an after-life as both of us have used the route as a mental exercise. For me it has been at the dentist, when having some uncomfortable work done - I tried to picture the various part of the ride and imagine the line and the landscape. He used it as an alternative to counting sheep, to get to sleep, during a particularly anxious time.
It also helps that the landscape is beautiful. The picture is of a favourite section when we emerge from the woods to see this wonderfully sweeping, open countryside. A nice piece of downhill that can make you whoop with pleasure.


Revrunner said...

Now THAT really is an amazing downhill ride!

JogBlog said...

Lovely view. It's quite flat round here but when I do get to a higher bit, I certainly appreciate it.