Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Janathon 2012 Day 17: The only thing to do is mope

Janathon 2012 Day 17: Run 1 mile, Time - why bother, Weather - clear and crisp

Another of those winter days where the air is cold but the sky is bright. I much prefer it to the comparatively mild but grey and heavy days that have dominated the season so far.
The weather was similar to yesterday so my picture can be a carry over from then and not be anomalous. It shows the colour there can be in a garden, even if the foliage is stripped bare. 
In fact it is far more pleasant to look back at yesterday, which was a pleasure, rather than think about today, which was a loss. On Sunday I had thought there had been some signs that base training was working and I could maintain a semblance of a run at the specified heart rate. Bah! Today it took no more than a few strides to know something was wrong as my heart rate bounded up.
"Stop it!" I said but surprisingly that had no effect whatsoever and by the bottom of my road the heart was over the limit. Let me reinforce that - the bottom of our road. In other words I live on a hill and always use the first part of the run to gently warm up by loosely jogging down the slope. It is no great strain and is meant to ease me into my run; so what was my heart rate doing by leaping about? It has nothing to do with fitness and training levels.
The only real conclusion is that a virus I have had is still hanging around. If so the only thing to do is make allowances.
So I aborted the run and moped.

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