Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Empty headed

Juneathon day 15: run 7km time 40min

An example of how the need for a photograph influenced my route.

When I got up this morning I weighed the normal questions: which way should I go up or down? should I run there and back or do a loop? mainly trail or mainly road? hilly or flat? But then I thought another animal picture would be nice and the cows on the Moor are rather beautiful. So that was it - no other decision was necessary.

Other than that it was a remarkably uneventful run. Some days you see things, meet people, notice the unusual. Other days you are just left in your own world. Today was one of those days, with few other people around and nothing much to report. I cannot even remember what i was thinking when I was out. Some days I will chew on something (often trivial and inconsequential but nevertheless something) and when I get back I can remember a fair chunk of my thoughts. Other days flit by and I have no idea whether I had anything in my head at all. Today was one of those blurs. I know I went out, found the cows, came home but other than that not a lot.

Believe it or not I think the routine nature of this run was a good thing. A sign that things are gradually getting better. It means I was not worried about how my body was holding up, my lack of fitness, or how slow I felt. I was just running - that's all.

Juneathon statistics 15/15
Run 11/15
distance 75.96km
time 6hr 59min
Cycle 2/15
distance 39.8 miles
time 2hr 58min
Gym 2/15
time 1hr 35min

1 comment:

Adele said...

That cow is posing for you!

I did consider having a 'thought of the run' for my Juneathon posts, but it's hard to pin point a 'good' thought to share some days, like you say, some runs are just about the running.