Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Day 2: Water Droplets and Dogs

Juneathon day 2: run 8.17km time 47min

Out of the door by 7am - so another early run but not quite as impressive as yesterday. It was the right time to run though. The air was still slightly chilled, the sun was obscured by mist but there was a sense that it would soon clear away and the day would be hot. Everywhere was still damp after yesterday’s rain and the grass was full of water droplets. Today’s picture is just a close-up, trying to show how some of the droplets looked like jewels.

This time of day is obviously one of the peak times for dog walkers and most of them were friendly i.e. we smiled and said hello to each other. All of the dogs were well behaved and showed no interest in running at me. I wonder if there is any correlation between the time people take their dogs for a walk and their conscientiousness as owners and hence the behaviour of their dogs?

Usually dogs and runners do not mix well (unless you are running with your own dog). Small dogs must always be treated with suspicion as they have a tendency to snap at your ankles, run between your feet and cause you to stutter, hop and zig zag. As for retractable leads! Well all I can say is that many a time a dog has been one side of the path and the owner the other and only at the last moment have I seen the trip wire that is a fully extended lead.

But today the dogs are fine.

Juneathon stats:
days 2/2
runs 2
distance: 15.42k
time: 1hr 29min

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