Sunday, March 20, 2011

2011 Streak 78/365: Spring

2011 Streak 78/365: Walk - 4.77 miles, Time 1hrs 30min, Weather - Blue skies
Think of springtime and you might think of lambs gambolling, cherry blossom, or the first cut of the grass. It could be many things but daffodils should definitely be on the list. I love the banks of yellow that suddenly appear. So for today we have a spring picture.
There is very little more to say - the air felt fresh, the sky was blue and it not only felt like spring, it felt great to be outside and breath it all in. I know few people who can resist the pleasure of such days.
The walk itself was very relaxed but it had a purpose. We are about to decorate the kitchen and so needed some supplies. Instead of taking the car - we walked. Before this year that would not have been the case but now the idea is to walk wherever possible
We are now consciously thinking about how we get about. It is one of the consequences of this streak.

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