Friday, March 11, 2011

2011 Streak 68/365: Brightly dark

2011 Streak 68/365: Walk 4 miles, Time - 1hr 20min, Weather - blue skies and black clouds
The reason I list the weather at the head of every post is that it has a big effect on the outing. It is not only the obvious things tat make a difference it is the way things like the quality of light can change your mood.
Today is a case in point. It started out bright, in the way of the last two days, but that didn't last. Big slate-grey clouds gathered from the west and threw some areas into darkness. I spent some of my time just looking at the light. I was fascinated by the way it streaked and way it shifted from sun to shadow.
That is the way of these walks. They may cover much of the same ground but there is always something new to see or the chance of seeing something in a new way.
The subject of today's photo is not really the road which bounds Boxmoor, with its pub and houses: it is the blackness of the clouds. Behind me the sun was shining, lighting up the grass. It was a brightly dark day. 

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