Tuesday, March 15, 2011

2011 Streak 74/365: Watching the seasons

2011 Streak 74/365: Walk 2.5 miles, Time 48min, Weather - cool sun

Last night on Twitter, Travellinghopefully, pointed me to an article by Oliver Burkeman about the way past events can influence our feelings at different times of the year and contribute to our own emotional calendar.
It is a fascinating subject and probably the most common branding is the effect of the academic year. Even after more years than I care to divulge, it still holds sway and I think of September as the month when work starts anew. Even more distorting is the idea that August is the height of summer rather than the beginning of autumn.
The piece ends with a quote from Santayana:
"To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring."
That should be one of the mottos of this blog, which is an attempt to observe, in a detached way, my local area. Being out each day forces attention on the weather, landscape and mood, so seasonality is one of the things I am interested in.
Today's photo is posted in that spirit: it is a cherry tree in my garden, which is beginning to flower. Every so often I will repeat the picture to show how it changes over time. 
As for today's exercise there is nothing much to report. After two hardish days it was time  to ease back so I only walked 2.5 miles. Nevertheless it was enough to keep the streak going.


Adele said...

I *heart* cherry blossom. Thanks for sharing it.

I enjoyed the article in the Weekend as well (I also found his article about social networking a while ago very interesting...). Personally, I enjoy every season, but feel a leap of mood during the cross-over, a slight wobble, an uncertainty and a little bit of excitement. It's interesting observing ourselves looking for little signs of the change, be it a smell, a feeling of warmth/cold on our skin or even just a slightly different light. I look forward to seeing your tree develop over the next few months.

runnergirl training said...

Nice job on your walk! You have to have recovery days, so it was time well spent! Pretty tree pic! :) Thanks for sharing!