Thursday, March 10, 2011

2011 Streak 67/365: Tea break

2011 Streak 67/365: Walk 7.44 miles, Time - 1hr 30min, Weather - clear blue sky 
Work in progress - a wall is being rebuilt. Nobody around - it must be tea break. But the mug has been left behind. This walks are all about spotting little things - and this is a very little thing.
The day was another example of how 2011 Streak has changed my attitude. I needed to by a new pair of walking trainers and the best outdoor shop in the area is 3 and a half miles away. Before I would have automatically got in the car but now it seems quite straightforward to walk there. 
Not only does this reduce my fuel consumption, it makes me feel better. It was another clear bright day and I arrived at the shop in a thoroughly good mood. However when I got there it struck me that although I might, indeed, have reduced my petrol consumption, I did in fact need a new pair of shoes.
It is all swings and roundabouts.

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