Saturday, February 26, 2011

2011 Streak 57/365: Steady Rain

2011 Streak 57/365: Walk - 7.62 miles, Time - 2hr 30min, Weather - rainy

The canal was actually a very small part of today's walk but I am using the picture to illustrate the rain. There is nothing like the splashiness of water on water to show that it was a miserable day.
It actually affected my picture taking because I did not look around very much. Actually when I have my kagool hood up I can see very little - just what is in front. Inside the hood the pitter patter noises of the rain drops sounded very loud so I felt part of some minor sensory experiment - limited sight and hearing interference.
I began to wonder what I was doing especially as it was the sort of day when you could be walking down an empty road but the moment you want to cross it cars emerge to block your progress. Most junctions were like that: a minor irritant.
I began to wonder whether I should cut things short and now I wish I had.
There are days when you just have to admit that things are not really working and regroup. Joe Henderson has some really good advice based on his own training practices: he runs the first mile to warm-up and get a sense of how he feels and then he will make a decision as to whether her carries on as planned, cuts it short, or goes a bit harder.
I should have followed his example as today was more about endurance

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