Thursday, February 17, 2011

2011 Streak 48/365: Lost glove

2011 Streak 48/365: Walking - 4.74 miles, Time 1h3 30min, Weather - the pale sun felt springlike
I have a lot of sympathy with this photo: I am always loosing one glove. Actually that is not quite true - I have managed to keep hold of my big, waterproof, deep-winter gloves; but running gloves are very vulnerable. 
I hope the runner comes back and finds the glove but if my experience is anything to go by there is no chance - I only discover a loss some time afterwards and then have no idea where I could have gone.
Apart from those fleeting moments of sympathy, today's walk was hugely pleasant. There was sunlight and a mildness that suggested spring could be round the corner. It was a pre-spring day, with the suggestion that it will soon be the season of hope and regeneration - a time to feel stronger.
I have always believed that spring is the time to start New Year resolutions. If you want to lose weight, for example, January is terrible. The cold and the dark make you want to put on a layer of fat and hibernate - deep instincts keep you eating. However when the days start to get longer you have more energy and a zest for doing things and feel more in control. Spring is really the time of beginnings, not winter, which is the time for hunkering down.
All I have to do now is think of the patterns of behaviour I want to change!

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