Tuesday, February 08, 2011

2011 Streak 39/365: Outside on a nice day

2011 Streak 39/365: Walk - 6.85 miles, Time - 2hr 15min, Weather - sunny and almost springlike
It is amazing how cheery the sun can be. After a month that has seemed endlessly grey it is wonderful to see a deep blue sky, feel a slight rise in temperature, and hear the birds signing as if they were enjoying themselves. 
As soon as I left the house I could feel my spirits lift as if they had suddenly been released from the oppression of a hard and miserable winter (even if it turns out to be for short time). 
Today's picture conveys some of the blueness and and how sometimes canals can seem to be the most peaceful places imaginable. I am endlessly fascinated because it never looks the same from one day to the next.
The view is from a bridge on my way to the station, as I had to be in London. The train arrives at Euston and the walk at the other end took me through Bloomsbury and the area colonised by the University of London. In the middle of Gordon Square some students were playing frisbee and I suddenly felt all was well with the world. Students should play frisbee in the sun - it is part of the natural order.
P.S. I know this mood of well being will pass and I will soon get back to being grumpy/outraged about the closure of libraries, the sale of forests, the dismemberment of the NHS, student fees, and an ideological messing about with education. 
But as I have said before this is not a political blog. All of that can be put aside and I can simply report on the pleasure of being outside on a nice day.

1 comment:

Revrunner said...

I enjoy running along a canal, too, although it's not nearly as lovely as the one you've photographed here.