Sunday, January 09, 2011

Janathon Day 9: frosty bright

Janathon Day 9: Walk 5km, Time 55min, Weather remains of a hard frost but gloriously bright

It has been one of those days where other commitments were  spaced to leave little time for a long walk. There was only  an hour available but nevertheless I made the most of it by choosing a hilly route to raise my pulse and fool myself into thinking I had done real exercise.
If I had been dedicated like some other admirable souls I would have woken up before very early and started out in the dark. But that was never going to happen. Not only do I lack the iron resolve to get out in the cold and the dark, the whole purpose of my bimblathon is to look round, and for that I need light.
Wonderfully today was full of light (or even the day was full of wonderful light; both statements are true.) It was such a relief after all the grey, cold, damp days we have had this year. The sunshine brought everybody out and the Moor was full of people, walking, socialising, exercising their dogs, as if we all had been suddenly released.
The sort of winter we have had this year has almost been a physical pressure, forcing down, driving you inside, huddling to keep warm. Today the pressure was lifted and you could almost see people expanding again, puffing out their chests and walking with a spring in their step. 
It was still cold though, with plenty of evidence of the night's hard frost, but that added to the brightens, with the white reflecting the sun. Today's picture is evidence of the cold - frozen leaves. I could have given you nice landscapes, interestingly streaked with shadows from the low sun - but no. Instead I choose to show you what was under my feet. 


Adele said...

It was a gorgeous day wasn't it? I wish I'd had my camera on my run, lots of frosty shadows around.

Philippines real estate said...

I always have my camera wherever I go if I see nice thing or beautiful spot, I captured it. Frosty bright shadow can stop me for a while and capture it.