Saturday, January 22, 2011

Janathon Day 22: Boarded-up pub

Janathon Day 22: Cycle - 15.7 miles, Time - 1hr 12min, Weather - fine rain, cold and wind

One of the things I have noticed recently is the number of closed pubs. The traditional local, as a place for socialising and drinking, seems to be under threat and on my cycle rides I always pass one or more pub that is boarded-up. The one in today's picture is in the village of Bedmond, and has now been empty several months. I do not know what will happen to the site. All I know is that I find empty buildings being left to decay both haunting and sad.
The demise of the pub is a social change with a visible consequence in the buildings you can go out and notice it. I like to look around and see what trends I can pick-out and travelling by bike is very good. You can go far enough to cover a fair area, yet at the same time you can still look around.
Today's ride was strangely satisfying even though it was cold, wet and miserable. It was as if the weather gods had decided that we had had to much fun with two days of clear light and needed to be reminded that Januaries are meant to be dour.
The satisfaction came from that strange mixture of pride at having shown the resolve to get out and odd exhilaration as cold air and a gentle spray of water made the skin feel tingly. That said I did not want to stay out too long. And if I'm being honest the greatest pleasure was stopping and going back to a warm house, a big mug of tea, and a bun


Anonymous said...

In our square mile of a village, 3 pubs have closed in the last couple of years. One is a housing estate, another due to be and the third is boarded up. We nearly lost a fourth, but that was more to do with the landlord's indiscretions on the pool table...

sue said...

It is indeed a sign of changing times with the pubs closing. I'm not sure how the change will manifest itself, but the human is a social animal, so something will take the place of the pub.

I know what you mean about finishing the ride with warmth and food, it makes braving the elements more than worth the discomfort. Although, there is also something that liberates the soul when out there with all that nature can throw at us (well, maybe not all but you know what I mean)