Sunday, January 16, 2011

Janathon Day 16: monkey in a conservatory

Janthon Day 16: Walking 6.5km, Time 1hr 10min, Gym activity unquantifiable, Weather grey and windy (again)

I am trying very hard with my animal theme this Juanthon.
The basic rule is that going to Whipsnade Zoo would be cheating (fish, barrel, shooting) - even if it is a nice cycle ride away. I am allowed only pictures of things I come across in the course of my peregrinations. There is however no rule to say the creatures have to be real or living (I have already got away with a poster of an alpaca instead of the real thing).
So for your entertainment today: I offer a monkey in a conservatory.
Now I'm not sure even this is fair game - after all you have to give the credit to the person who decided to turn their conservatory into a rainforest but it will have to do.
Today's walk was a few miles further along the canal than normal as I started from Berkhamsted, where they have an outdoor gym. 
Natalie Bowers has already described her outdoor gym, so I thought I ought to join in the fun. And fun it was as the machines give you permission to be act like a kid in a playground. Of all the toys serious pieces of fitness equipment, the walking machine was the most disorientating. It had a platform for each foot that swung like a pendulum. The arc it proscribed was like walking but not very much. After hammering away at it for some time it completely disrupted my senses, so when I tried to walk on the path I felt like a sailor who had been afloat for several months, i.e. all over the place.
I have thus found a way to feel drunk without actually drinking. I will mark that down as another Janathon discovery.

1 comment:

Philippines Real Estate said...

Find yourself being successful in your business and career. But you must be successful also in caring yourself. Be the best that you can be and keep your body healthy. No monkey business when it comes to our body health.