Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2011 Streak 111/365: Evening by the canal

2011 Streak 111/365: Walk - 3.7 miles, time - 1hr 15min, Weather - pleasantly sunny and warm
Oh no! This is becoming a habit: evening walk to the pub. 
However the circumstances today are completely different as a friend ,who now lives in New Zealand, is visiting us for a couple of days - so obviously there is no alternative.
Actually as a plan it developed fairly organically. He arrived late morning , we had lunch and talked, catching up on the last 5 years. After a time we realised our backsides were getting seat shaped and we needed to use our legs. A walk by the canal seemed perfect for a spring day which felt like summer. Just by chance we headed in the direction of the Three Horseshoes at Winkwell.
Somehow or other our path deviated and we ended up sitting on a bench beside the water with a beer in our hands. How did that happen?
After a short time we realised that this was the most pleasant way to spend our time and we were joined by my wife (who had been out during the day). And that was that; the walk was over.
When out we only saw one runner; and I took this picture of him in the distance. It reminds me of how much I enjoy running by canals and how they are the very best of places, especially when the sun is out.

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