Friday, April 15, 2011

2011 Streak 105/365: Root cause

2011 Streak 105/365: Walking - 3 miles, Time - 1hr, weather- cloudy

If anyone has paid any attention to the exercise levels over the passed week they would have dismissed them with one simple epitaph: pitiful.
As with every lapse there are reasons. In this case it is that my leg has been intensively and systematically pummelled, whilst my pelvis has been pushed and shoved back into place. During such treatment it is wise not to exercise too much.
The reason for the treatment is that at last I have found the root cause of my problems with my left leg: my hip was displaced. This caused my hamstring to spasm and pain to randomly in other places and accounted for the fact that often I could not ascribe exact cause and effect to many of my injuries.
It only goes to show how complicated the body is. You might hurt in one place but it might be displaced pain or it might be a series of related events so that something being wrong causes other muscle groups to compensate and then have their own problems.
Anyway apart from bruising where my the scar tissues in my muscles has been attacked, things are beginning to feel better and next week I will begin a very gentle process of building back my fitness. 
For the first time in a few months I am feeling optimistic. So to accord with my mood I am posting a pretty picture of apple blossom.

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