Friday, April 29, 2011

2011 Streak 114/365: The difference between graffiti and spray art

2011 Streak 114/365: Walk - 7.98 miles, Time - 2hrs 15min Weather - warm but a little overcast 

My walk today was from Woodthorpe to the centre of Nottingham and back again and all along the way I saw things to photograph. However I held back because I was conscious of wanting to keep up a good walking pace as my current plan is to alternate hard and easy days (hard being an elastic term). As a large part of yesterday was spent reading in the garden today had to be more vigorous.
I intended not to stop until I reached Slab Square and take some photos there but I saw this mural and I knew I had to stop. It is just so arresting.
I like the skill of the execution, the idea of a spaceship train and the reminder of the cover of Bitches Brew. it is more fun than most examples of official public art, which have a tendency to be formal and vacuous (sweeping generalisation alert).
It is the great pleasure of walking that I can see something down a side street, wander over to look more closely  and then move on. This cannot be repeated enough as every time I do it my spirit lifts as I feel that I am using my eyes and properly looking at my surroundings.
After taking this photograph I walked to the city centre only to find that there was a huge Cross of St George covering the columns of Council House. I know they might be marking St Georges day but even so did no one notice it looks horrible and totally out of proportion. 
I definitely preferred the spray painted mural

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