Monday, April 11, 2011

2011 Streak 99/365: Winchester

2011 Streak 99/365: Walk -4 miles, Time - 1hr 45min, Weather - sunny, and warm

I spent the Saturday at Winchester but all I can offer is a picture of  a metal duck!
It makes no sense because Winchester is extremely picturesque, with a huge scope for photography. In the light of a beautiful spring day it was delightful: people were out relaxing, sitting on the grass by the cathedral, wandering in the water meadows, taking their ease, and drinking in beer gardens. The city could not be seen at any better advantage. But I have no photo to give an impression.
That is a pretty bad show with no acceptable excuse, even if the reason is straightforward - I didn't take my camera.
Nevertheless the day was very pleasant, involving lunch and then a very gentle stroll. I would be hard put to make a case for it as exercise but in terms of the 2011 streak, it will have to do. 
Sometimes we just have to relax a bit; afterall I am now officially another year older.
The picture of the duck is therefore not random - it has an honourable role in the day as it was a birthday present from my daughter. It will make a very fine addition to our garden and a companion to the blue pig that is already there. 

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