Monday, April 11, 2011

2011 Streak 101/365:Watching the seasons

2011 Streak 101/365:Walking - 2.25 miles, time - 405 min, Weather - In the afternoon clouds gathered and a chillier wind blew

One tremendous benefit of my 2011 project is that I am looking far more closely at seasonal changes. I am making a point of watching what is happening each day and finding it fascinating to notice the speed at which buds form on trees and then bursting into blossom, and the sequencing of different plants.
This is all pretty obvious stuff and for the experienced gardeners and naturalists amongst you, I apologise for my wide-eyed attitude. You are all very familiar with how things grow and it is hardly worth remarking upon. Last year I would have agreed. "Of course cherry trees blossom in March. Of course it is pretty" I would have said  "So what's new?" 
There is nothing new. 
It is just that for the first time I am looking closely, day by day.
One of the principles of the project was that I was meant to get out and take pictures from my journeying but that is now not the case. Looking more closely at my surrounding has meant looking more closely at what is close at hand - in my garden. These tulips are a case in point. I love their bright red colour and the blowsiness of their shape so why shouldn't they be the subject of a photo?

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