Sunday, August 14, 2011

2011 Streak Day 206/365 (July 25): Seasonality

2011 Streak Day 206/365 (July 25): Walk - 1 mile, Time - 20min, Weather - sunny and warm

The barest of bare minimum today. 
As ever there are excuses like a visit to Winchester and time spent on the M25 but if I had really, really wanted to do more I could have done. There was nothing stopping more effort than a lack of desire.
So we will pass swiftly on to the photo of berries from a rowan tree, a couple of hundred yards from my house. I would normally expect to see the berries fully out in aug/sept and so this is a small example of how the seasons are advancing.
Everywhere there is evidence and those who refuse to believe that the climate is changing are not using their eyes. The overall warming and disruption of seasonal patterns are causing visible changes in plants and wildlife.
If I was a serious naturalist I could have used the opportunity of a daily photo to record these developments and be much more systematic. But I am not and I have only just thought of it as a possibility - and so it is too late to make any meaningful records.
All I can do is point out the bright red berries of the mountain ash in a totally random way.

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