This shows that not all of my runs are rural loveliness, yet these old works are what I like about canals. They show their history and function. John Dickinson was important in the history of paper making and he made paper here.

The barge in the forefront is loaded with rubbish. I saw it on Wednesday, being used by men from British Waterways who were cleaning-up rubbish from he side of the canal. It is amazing how much there was. I had never before thought of the effort involved in keeping the canal in good cosmetic condition as well as structurally sound.
I really hate all the litter that is thoughtlessly left around.
Aarrggh, I hate litter. If I see someone throwing litter I want to tell them to pick it up. But I don't. I might get stabbed or shot or something.
Stabbing is never a good option
Great photograph.
I wonder whether I could use it for our campaign (Save Our Waterways see
I note that you are a member of the Serpies - I was in the running scene when they were created back in 1981-82. Great memories.
Will Chapman
Just the other day i saw some twat throw his crap on the floor in the middle of our high street i had no qualms about telling the tit to pick his shit up. He was very embarrassed and even apologised to me after i told him the line " i live here and don't need wankers like you fucking it up for me"
Sorry about the swearing but that's what came out of my uneducated mouth at that time.
Keep those pics coming great stuff.
Will - of course you can use the picture.
There will be probably quite a few more in the coming month as I mostly run be the canal.
Anything you do to preserve the waterways is much appreciated by all of us who use them
Phil I have never really confronted anyone about litter. So fair play to you for doing it
Ah yes, John Dickinson - blue Basildon Bond, brings back memories, the notepaper of my youth - thank you letters after Christmas
Hi Beanz Good to hear from you again.
For a time I thought that Basildon Bond was the only make of letter paper. A bit like Birds Custard being the only custard
It is important to remember these things and our industrial heritage. John Dickinson invented a method for continuous paper manufacturer and his first Mill was in Apsley. This is now a housing development with a nice marina. Nash Mills was his second mill and continued to produce paper till 2006. it is now a distribution centre.
I think of these things when I run past the buildings.
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