Thursday, February 05, 2009

Snow Again

Another snow day so another picture.

It is just a record of something in my garden and cannot really compete with Fit Artist who built a couple of beautiful snowmen. If I was going to give a prize of snow person of the week I would give it to her and use her picture to illustrate this rather silly article on snowmen fashion.

The weather makes me think of another thing I never quite got round to: increasing the insulation in my loft from 100mm to 270mm. So instead of running I will be doing something far more useful - scrambling about on my hands and knees trying to lay a carpet of insulation. Not so much cross training more a case of 'bolted horse door stable'.


Anonymous said...

hey, really nice photo! gotta love the snow, even if it comes here so rarely:)
Nice site,

Anonymous said...

Oh no, we didn't build those two! Sorry if we seemed to be claiming them as our own, the man that built them insisted on taking our photo with them! Our snowman was tiny.