Monday, April 04, 2011

2011 Streak 94/365: Eventually it was worthwhile

2011 Streak 94/365: Walk - 3.3 miles, Time - 57 min, Weather - overcast

It has been one of those days where everything has been difficult: simple tasks that were full of hidden complications and every mistake leading to further complications. A day was all out of kilter. By the evening I had not managed to do any exercise and, even worse, really, really didn't want to. I didn't think I could be bothered. 
But the 2011 project does not allow for backsliding for no good reason - so I had to go out, even if only for the minimum I could get away with. 3 miles, looping round the town centre was all i did.
The weather was not particularly inviting, grey clouds, fading evening light, and a chilly wind so initial my mood did not lift but once I got going my negative thoughts gradually disappeared and I started to feel better. By the time I got home I felt happier and calmer.
It is amazing how often this happens: a real reluctance to get out followed by a raising of the spirits and a feeling of well being on return. Today was just another example, another lesson, and a reminder to get on with things. It is always good to have such lessons.
Today's picture is the latest in the series about the cherry tree. It shows the blossom is disappearing but the green leaves are developing 

1 comment:

Adele said...

Well done on getting out on such a grey day and battling the 'don't do it!' demons.

I will take a photo of our tiny cherry tree which is full of lovely white blossom right now.