Saturday, July 16, 2005

This Blog is going on Holiday

It is holiday time and tomorrow we fly to Vancouver to visit my sister and go camping on Vancouver Island.

Here are some pictures of the campsites we have booked:
Sproat Lake
Miracle Beach

So for a few weeks this blog will blogs will sleep.

In the meantime I will give you my recommendation for holiday reading. Inspite of its title it is not about running. It is a novel about someone who finds himself on a quest, almost by accident. Without a plan he cycles across America to identify the body of a sister initially lost through madness. He meets people who help him and others who he helps; through this he remembers the person he was before his life atrophied. Intertwined in this is the story of his sister, the love he had for her and the effect she had on the family. It is not a gloomy book - there is a lightness and humour.

I can justify the recommendation on a running blog because one of the themes is the way daily physical activity, a little at a time, can add-up to become a great endeavour, which can then reconnect you with yourself.


beanz said...

Have a great holiday - we shall really miss you.

b-z said...


I am also on hols-and away for the first time in years soon-may try to get thisbook

need to think

Cath Delaney said...

Have a nice holiday HK.
