Thursday, October 06, 2011

2011 Streak Day 256 (Friday Sept 16th): Seasons

2011 Streak Day 256 (Friday Sept 16th): Walk 4 miles, Time 1hr 30min, Weather - bright, cloudy, bright, cloudy
Another Cambridge day with a walk back to the Park&Ride. If I had been feeling more chipper I would have done it both ways but I still feel rough and back was enough.
This has been a very strange week. I have been able to keep going up to a point  but there have been no energy reserves. I have done a little and then felt washed out. 
Nevertheless it is always good to come to Cambridge. It is a nice time as the tourists are thinning-out but the students have not yet come back. Not that the place is empty - the city is never empty as there are always visitors, even on bleak winter days (and some winter days can be very bleak). But Cambridge has its seasons with people as well as trees and plants.
Sitting, overlooking the river, I enjoy the signs of autumn. As I have said more than a few times the whole point of this years project is to observe the changing of the seasons.

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