Tuesday, March 08, 2011

2011 Streak 63/365: Back Home

2011 Streak 63/365 Walking - 6.34 miles, Time -  2hr 5min, Weather - back to grey

How many habits do we have? Most of us like to think we are not totally predictable and have some spirit of spontaneity; but how many of our actions are really free? How often do we follow along well established channels?

I ask because although I know I have certain routines and repeated patterns, I am sometimes unaware of all of my habits. For example when I come back from being away my first outing is always to the canal. It is as if I don't think I am fully home until I have run or walked the stretch between Boxmoor and Nash Mills.

So today's picture not only comes from that stretch it also continues the theme of return. I first saw this wrecked boat on January 5th and posted a picture. Since then nothing much has happened, apart from a soft barrier protecting other craft from bumps and the inevitable smashing of windows. Something left abandoned will attract kids at play and damage will result. Once the damage has started, usually, more and more will be broken until everything is smashed. I hope this boat doesn't go that way

I really do not know what happens when canal boat sinks. What does an owner do if he lacks resources (I had previously seen the owner of the boat and I don't think he had much money)? What does British Waterways do to ensure the canal is clear?

All will be revealed over time and as I frequently pass by I might be able to find out.

Other than that the walk was a reminder of the greyness of the weather and the dullness of Hemel Hempstead compared to Barcelona. We will never be a destination town!

I think it will take a couple of days to adjust to finding the pleasure in my surroundings

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